Articles and blogs

Find below the latest contributions coming from the FAIR-IMPACT community


FAIR-IMPACT Open Call for Support coming soon

The remit of the FAIR-IMPACT project is to expand the use of FAIR-enabling solutions across the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and beyond. It has its roots in a previous project that many of the FAIR-IMPACT partners contributed to, FAIRsFAIR, and in other Horizon 2020 INFRAEOSC initiatives. One way that we as project partners will be fulfilling the FAIR-IMPACT remit is by building on the FAIR-enabling tools, resources and methods developed by FAIRsFAIR and other projects, extending their use in their original domains or adapting them for use in others.

Collaboration on persistent identifiers took steps forward in Prague

During the EOSC Symposium in Prague, FAIR-IMPACT organised two workshops about persistent identifiers (PIDs). The FAIR-IMPACT breakout session took place to discuss how the EOSC PID Policy responsibilities map to different stakeholders: an important issue to achieve a shared understanding of its implementation and to support a FAIR service ecosystem.

FAIR-IMPACT on the World Digital Preservation Day

Today is FAIR-IMPACT’s first time celebrating the World Digital Preservation Day #WDPD and we’re joining in on the party! Amongst all the amazing contributions being made today (and of course every other day of the year where preservationists are doing incredible work), we would love to share our relation to the topic and our plans for the next two-and-a-half years.

It takes a village to communicate the value of PIDs

I joined DataCite to contribute to the FAIR-IMPACT project. Today I’m happy to share with you some of our plans and progress made so far.

Testing FAIRness with different tools and methods: outcomes of the 3rd AgroHackathon in Montpellier

The FooSIN project, in collaboration with the ANR project D2KAB project, organised the 3rd AgroHackathon on August 29 and 30 at the Institut Agro Montpellier. The event was supported by INRAE, DigitAg and Labex NUMEV. All of the feedback was very positive: for the coaches, confronted with very varied real cases brought by users on-site; for the competitors, who have all become more familiar with the tools and more aware of the FAIR principles.