Collecting the ways of doing mappings - Take the survey
Due to FAIR-IMPACT work on "Semantic Artefact Mappings and Crosswalks", the project is now actively seeking input from individuals engaged in using or creating mappings to unravel the nuances of their practices.
01 March 2024
FAIR-IMPACT Second Open Call for Support: Cascading Grants is open now!
After a successful first round, FAIR-IMPACT launched the second Open Call for financial support on 31 January 2024, offering five support actions designed to create PID policies, improve the FAIRness of research software, and more.
31 January 2024
Remembering Sarah Jones
We are heartbroken by the news of the passing of our dear colleague and member of our project Advisory Board Sarah Jones.
06 December 2023
Metrics for automated FAIR software assessment in a disciplinary context. FAIR-IMPACT result released
FAIR-IMPACT published 17 metrics that can be used to assess research software against the FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles), as well as providing examples of how these might be implemented in one exemplar disciplinary context of the social sciences in CESSDA.
23 November 2023
The Value of Data (and Digital Object) Management Plans in Fostering Sharing Practices in multidisciplinary projects: two papers on Data Science Journal
Two practice papers were recently published by the Data Science Journal and co-authored by EOSC FAIR Champion Romain David around the importance of DMP in sharing research best practices.
13 November 2023
FAIR IMPACT Second Open Call launched!
FAIR-IMPACT has just launched the second Open Call for Support, offering three defined support actions for one-to-one support to help candidates to self-assess their current capabilities and to develop FAIR implementation action plans
29 August 2023
Congratulations to the successful applicants to our first open call!
Our first open call for FAIR support was launched on March 31st and provided two defined support actions that the community could apply to join. The first is a FAIRness assessment challenge and the second focuses on enabling FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate for content/metadata discovery and consumption.
A total of 51 applications were received, and 31 were successfully evaluated.
27 July 2023
FAIR degree assessment in agriculture datasets using the F-UJI tool
F-UJI, the automated assessment tool developed in the framework of the FAIRsFAIR project, was recently featured in an article by a group of researchers in agriculture, published in the Ecological Informatics, Volume 76, by Elsevier.
26 June 2023
The first Open Call for FAIR Support is over!
The first open call for FAIR support closed on June 1st with 51 applications submitted. Applicants will be informed on the decision on applications by July 2023. The support actions will begin in early autumn 2023.
06 June 2023
Preparing the FAIR-IMPACT Synchronisation Force 2023 Workshop
It's now time to start preparing the Second Synchronisation Force Workshop which will take place in Autumn 2023!
27 April 2023
Apples to apples and community-driven governance of FAIRness assessment: FAIR-IMPACT responses to EOSC FAIR Task Force papers
At the end of 2022, two groups of the EOSC Association Task Force on FAIR Metrics and Data Quality published two reports. The team working on metrics, certification and guidelines appreciated the opportunity to respond to both documents to detail the project views and intended contributions.
21 April 2023
FAIR IMPACT first Open Calls launched!
FAIR-IMPACT has just launched the first of three Open Calls for Support, offering two defined support actions designed to enhance the FAIRness of data, semantic artefacts and data-related services. Applications will be accepted until 1 June 2023.
31 March 2023
Welcome to the EOSC FAIR Champions!
We are glad to announce that 12 experts have been selected as EOSC FAIR Champions!
30 March 2023
The report of the first synchronisation workshop is out!
The FAIR-IMPACT Synchronisation Force 2022 workshop run between the 21st November and 12th December 2022. More than 120 people registered for the series of 6 online sessions. Based on the workshop input and discussions, this report provides supporting recommendations for each of the FAIR related topics discussed.
16 March 2023
Chair and co-chair of the HLAC appointed
York Sure-Vetter, professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Director of NFDI, the German National Research Data Infrastructure, and Michelle Barker, Director of the Research Software Alliance (ReSA), were appointed chair and co-chair of the FAIR-IMPACT High Level Advisory Committee.
21 February 2023
The Call for EOSC FAIR Champions is open!
FAIR-IMPACT is glad to announce the opening of its call for FAIR Champions, a group of 12 experts who will be on board to act as ambassadors for FAIR, engage their community, and advocate for adoption of the project results.
17 January 2023
Synchronisation Force Workshop 2022: datasets and slides now available
The proceedings of the FAIR-IMPACT Synchronisation Force 2022 online sessions are now available. From the event page you can download the slides presented during the sessions and the data gathered via the preliminary survey run before the event, which constituted the starting point for the discussions during the Synchronisation Force Workshop
19 December 2022
European Research Data Landscape: Final report
The European Research Data Landscape study looks at researchers’ practices in producing, reusing and depositing data, and in making it FAIR, as well as examining the research data repository landscape. It was commissioned by the European Commission and FAIR-IMPACT partners DANS and DCC contributed to it
28 November 2022
Putting FAIR into practice to support the EOSC vision: FAIR-IMPACT & FAIRCORE4EOSC featured into GÉANT’s CONNECT 41 issue!
FAIRCORE4EOSC and FAIR-IMPACT started to work together in supporting the realisation of a web of FAIR data and services by delivering new core infrastructure components as well as by supporting the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools, and services. Their contribution is featured in the recent issue n. 41 of the CONNECT Magazine published by GÉANT.
03 November 2022
Horizon Europe projects trailblazing a new approach in EOSC branding
A new group of Horizon Europe projects takes on the challenge of implementing - and communicating - the European Open Science Cloud, through coordinated branding and enhanced collaboration
23 September 2022
Towards a European network of FAIR-enabling TDRs: the Working paper is out
The working paper “Towards a European network of FAIR-enabling Trustworthy Digital Repositories (TDRs)” is the initiative of a broad author team consisting of stakeholders from the European repository community. It details a vision of how the Network could be created and what next steps need to be taken to make this a reality.
22 September 2022
EOSC Symposium Open Call for Sessions
The EOSC Symposium is the main EOSC annual event and this year takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14th-17th November 2022. Call for ideas for sessions is now open!
12 September 2022
FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC collaboration explained in two brand new videos!
Project and Technical coordinators showcase a FAIR Collaboration for Open Science in Europe
12 September 2022
RDA cross-disciplinary science adoption grants #2
This call for proposals belongs to a series of ‘RDA open calls’ supporting a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) that satisfies the FAIR data and resource management needs of Europe’s research communities.
Applications are open until 15 September 2022, 16.00 CEST, via the EOSC Future Grants Platform.
28 July 2022
EOSC Future announces RDA Open Call for Domain Ambassadors #2
Launched on 11 July, a new call will support a network of experts in integrating their disciplinary know-how and community achievements within EOSC. Applicants can submit their proposal until 15 September 2022, 16.00 CET via the EOSC Future Grants Platform.
Call closes: 15 September 2022, 16.00 CET
28 July 2022
FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC, two acronyms to remember
This June 2022, two European Horizon projects kicked off in Amsterdam, FAIRCORE4EOSC and FAIR-IMPACT. Both projects will contribute to the implementation of the FAIR principles across EOSC in close collaboration with other actors in the EOSC ecosystem.
06 July 2022
FAIR-IMPACT coordinator Ingrid Dillo joins the CHORUS Forum
On June 17th Ingrid Dillo, Deputy Director, DANS, co-chair of Council Research Data Alliance and Coordinator of the FAIR-IMPACT project joined the AGU / CHORUS Forum on making FAIR’s Interoperability and Reusability Data Goals Possible.
20 June 2022
Solutions for FAIR Open Science in Europe: the FAIR-IMPACT project kicks-off
The recently awarded FAIR-IMPACT project will identify and design practical solutions, guidelines and frameworks to realise an EOSC of FAIR data and services. The project started on 1st of June and on 27 and 28 of June will gather 28 partners from 11 countries for the kick-off.
16 June 2022