We are very glad to confirm that the first open call for FAIR support closed on June 1st with 51 applications submitted!
FAIR-IMPACT partners are now performing eligibility checks, before starting the evaluation procedure. The FAIR Implementation Team (FIT) will actively manage the evaluation, with the external, third party support of the EOSC FAIR Champions who will perform a final assessment of the evaluations.
Mechanisms will be in place to ensure there are no conflicts of interest among panel members reviewing each proposal. Only those proposals that are assessed as having credible plans for leveraging the outcomes of their participation in their organisations will be considered.
The evaluation phase
Evaluation will also consider the following criteria to establish balanced and diverse distribution of the grants:
- Geographical balance;
- Balance between key stakeholder groups (i.e., Service providers, National level initiatives, Research communities & infrastructures, Research performing organisations, Individuals in science, Research funding organisations, Publishers, Data infrastructures, Citizen science organisations, Scientific societies and academies);
- Gender balance;
- Preference will be given to applicants from areas/domains identified as being less ‘EOSC-ready’*;
Applicants will be informed on the decision on applications by July 2023. The support actions will begin in early autumn 2023.
The upcoming Open calls
The one just closed is the first of the three Open Calls for support that will be launched by the FAIR-IMPACT project. The second round of Open Calls will take place in 2024, with the third and final round in 2025. The start dates of the second and third call will vary depending on the specific support action and will be indicated in the call description.
Stay tuned
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*EOSC readiness will be judged according to the EOSC Executive Landscape Working Group report on 'Landscape of EOSC-related infrastructures and initiatives' (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/cbb40bf3-f6fb-…) and the RDA4EOSC project research on the engagement of disciplinary research communities with the EOSC (https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda4eosc-researchcommunities).