
The Semantics4FAIR project, funded thanks to the ANR Flash program on data, between January 2020 and December 2022, addresses the question of open science from the angle of the accessibility of datasets by researchers from other fields or non-specialists, and the contribution of semantic representations of metadata to facilitate this accessibility. Finally, the project questions, from an IT point of view, the contribution of semantic technologies to better compliance with the FAIR criteria (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable); and from an interdisciplinary point of view, it questions the interdisciplinary methods and open science platforms to be put in place for solutions that truly meet the needs of their users.

FAIR-IMPACT at the event

FAIR-IMPACT joined the event during the panel discussion at 16h30, entitled "Challenges to move towards open science : examples of the European projects EOSC"

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Other FAIR Events
30 November 2022