OR2024 is an excellent place for companies and organisations that deal with digital asset management, digital storage, research information systems, scholarly publications, open access and open data to be seen and interact with participants. The event gives access to a large audience of potential customers and partners as well as insights into what is hot in the area from a user perspective.
The event is expecting approximately 450-500 attendees from all over the world. These will include directors of digital initiatives, technical staff and developers, librarians, and repository managers as well as applied researchers in digital libraries and similar fields.
Please visit the Call for Proposals page to learn more about the sub-themes and submission categories of the conference, including a full list of submission templates and key dates for submission deadlines and approvals. Submission categories include posters, workshops, lightning talks, roundtable discussions, papers, and panels. The deadline for submissions is the 15th December 2023.
FAIR-IMPACT at the event
FAIR-IMPACT workshop was accepted. More info soon.
Official event page: https://or2024.openrepositories.org/