Implementation of EOSC Interoperability Framework at STFC

Photon & Neutron science
STFC, Science and Technology Facilities Council

The EOSC Interoperability Framework (EOSC IF) is a generic framework that can be used by all the entities participating in the development and deployment of EOSC, providing a common understanding of the requirements, challenges and recommendations that they should take into account, as well as a general set of principles on how these recommendations may be addressed.

The ambition of this use case is to create a questionnaire to compile and understand semantic practices in the use case institution. This first analysis will be done from the technical and semantic perspective defined in the EOSC IF and with dimensions inspired by its recommendations. 


Challenges that need to be addressed

  • Identify a collection of dimensions to recognize the implantation of the different recommendations given by the EOSC IF.
  • Allow non expert users to Identify semantic elements in an institution.


Expected impact of the Use Case

Achieving this use case will allow to: i) understand semantic practices in an institution, ii) monitor the recommendations of the EOSC IF adopted and iii) improve the cataloging of semantic practices in other domains. Results can be used in WP4, specially in T4.2 Semantic artifact lifecycle and catalogs.

Results will be used to generate guidelines about usage of the components identified in the EOSC InteroperabilityFramework (EOSC IF) and that are, or will be, implemented and deployed in EOSC-related projects.


Expected outputs

A questionnaire to gather information about interoperability practices in the use case. This questionnaire will be sent to other use cases in order to detect semantic practices in other domains.


Simon Lambert, STFC
Esteban Gonzalez & Oscar Corcho - UPM