FAIR-IMPACT virtual clinic for open call for support for Research Performing Organisations, Repositories and Data Service Providers, and National Level Initiatives
These slides were presented during a virtual clinic for potential applicants to the FAIR-IMPACT open... Read more
FAIR National Roadshow - Serbia: Research Assessment and Open Science practices in Serbia
These slides were presented during the FAIR National Roadshow Serbia, on 10th October 2023.... Read more
FAIR National Roadshow - Slovenia: IDs, Metadata, Interoperability: Open Science and Research Data Management Policies in Slovenia
These slides were presented during the FAIR National Roadshow Slovenia, on 28th September 2023, to showcase existing recommendations, good practices, and assessment tools that can help the Research community members start (or continue) their journey to becoming more FAIR-enabling and actively con... Read more
FAIR-IMPACT Introduction on exposing repository trustworthiness status and FAIR data assessments outcomes [Poster]
The FAIR-IMPACT project supports the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services.... Read more
FAIR Implementation Workshop: Support for Repositories and Data Service Providers slide deck
These slides were presented during the FAIR Implementation Workshop to introduce the Support Programme for Repositories and Data Service Providers which took place on 29 August 2023.... Read more
FAIR Implementation Workshop: Support for Research Performing Organisations slide deck
These slides were presented during the FAIR Implementation Workshop to introduce the Support Programme for Research Performing Organsiations which took place on 28 August 2023.... Read more
FAIR Implementation Workshop: Support for National Level Initiatives slide deck
These slides were presented during the FAIR Implementation Workshop to introduce the Support Programme for National Level Initiatives which took place on 25 August 2023.... Read more
EOSC Policy Brief for FAIR-IMPACT
FAIR-IMPACT has the ambitious goal of realising an EOSC of FAIR data and services by supporting the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services across scientific communities and at national, European and institutional level.... Read more
Introduction to the guidelines for repositories and registries on exposing repository trustworthiness status and FAIR data assessments outcomes
To reach an intended aim of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) to be a research data environment populated with digital objects that present a range of desirable characteristics, including FAIRness, a complex partnerships of actors and agents, performing activities and delivering services, ar... Read more
FAIR-Impact's workshop: Why semantic mappings matter and how to make them FAIR?
This document is a short report on the first workshop organised by the FAIR Impact project on the topic of mappings. We are summarising the various presentations which were given during the workshop.... Read more